Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tuesday Fun

Tonight was a great TKD night. Mr. Coleman ran Ms. Swing and I through the new introductory classes that we're going to start doing with prospective students, then I got to "teach" them. One of the greatest joys in life is seeing Mr. Coleman act like a 5 year old, getting to call him out on his stances, and having him call me "Ma'am". :D Haha, 5 minutes was all I got and I milked it for all it was worth!
Self-defense was amazing tonight - there were only 8 of us and I got to partner with Rodney which is always a treat. We did a couple of takedowns and wrist locks and Rodney and I were going full-force - it was great! We started "resisting" each other - flailing around and making the other person work to get the hold on. I don't get to go hard like that very often, so I was having a ball.
Sparring was alright - we did drills and free sparring, but it was hard for me to get into it. I'm so used to reacting to Heather's fast, agile movements, but my partner tonight was a lot bigger (taller and out-weighed me), so I had to adapt. I'm a little down on myself because I didn't do as well as I hoped I would, but oh well. We have good days and we have bad days. Oh, and I got kicked in the groin which (in case you men are unaware) is pretty painful for women as well.
On another note, I can now do 3 pullups whereas, a few months ago, I could barely do one. I'm hoping I can work up to 5 at some point.
Oy, SAT prep classes start tomorrow, so its going to be a busy month leading up to March 10 (dun dun dun!)

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