Friday, September 14, 2007

A turn for the better?

Well, things are looking better than they did a few weeks ago. Mr. Coleman's father is doing well, last I heard. They think they got all of the cancer out of his lungs, so just pray that he stays clear. Mr. Coleman still plans to come down in late November for a group test and other things. Last night I trained with Kyoshi Coffin for the first time and it was amazing! There is so much more to Karate than I used to think. The kata are absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to learn them. I had to stand in second highest rank (going by my tkd rank), which was a little intimidating seeing as I didn't know what was going on! Kyoshi was very helpful, though. Very understanding. It was a lot of beginners for the class, so we did the basic kata, then some work with the tonfa. After class, Shelley, a green belt, walked me through some of the emptyhand kata and I love them! I already know Nihanchi Shodan, but I need to learn Nihanchi Nidan, Nihanchi Samdan, and Wansu. Kyoshi said I might like to come to the black belt class on Wednesdays, which I am really looking forward to. I think I'm going to start training there on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Things are so much better when you look for the good in a bad situation!

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