Saturday, January 21, 2006

Good News or Bad News?

Well, I can't decide whether I'm relieved or disappointed, but I didn't have to teach this morning. I got to the dojang around 9:30 so I could open up, and saw that Mr. Coleman was already there. We had 30 minutes until class was supposed to start, so he gave me a pair of boxing gloves and we practiced jabs, reverse punches, uppercuts, and hook punches. Then he put on a pair of hand pads, and we.... Well, I guess you could say we boxed. That's what it reminded me of, anyway. He's never done anything like that with me before, so I didn't really know what to think.... but I liked it! Its the first time in a while that I've been so focused. In class, I find myself going through the motions sometimes, and not focusing my entire attention on what I'm doing. But this was a new, exciting thing, so my focus was intense, which was awesome!
For all-belts, I led warmups and stretching, and then Mr. Coleman took over while I assisted with the lower belts. I kind of like this new leadership position... Its neat. Then for Kubodo class, I taught the first 15-20 minutes. And now.... I'm exhausted. My hands are literally shaking as I type this! I think I'll go take a nap....

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