Thursday, December 07, 2006


I hate being sick, but it seems that's all I am lately. I had to cut back on tkd alot in November because of a play that I was in, but there were a few highlights. Kyoshi Vic Coffin (Mr. Coleman's weapons master) came and did a defense seminar which was amazing. He knows so much about how the human body functions and how to make it malfunction with the slightest pressure to a certain point. I got to be uke a couple of times, which was... painful, to say the least. :P
I have really been slacking off with my pushups and situps, and just about everything else. Here's my running total: Pushups: 2,975
Situps: 3,495
Miles: 71
Form reps: 20
Acts of kindness: 91
Sparring rounds: 5

As you can see, I'm behind. As soon as I get over this virus, I am getting back on track. When I first started doing the pushups, I could barely get 15 or 20 reps out at a time. Now I'm doing 50 per set, no problem. I like that feeling, and I hate that I'm losing ground because of this illness.
Mr. Coleman told me that I would be up for my 4th dan test this time next year, which I'm really excited about. I plan on completing this mock "UBBT" and re-learning all of the Pyung An forms (the traditional set of forms that we used before we switched to Taegeuk).
I also want to go to the Battle of Atlanta next summer and maybe compete (or at least attend some seminars).
Oh, our dojang made a schedule change, which I'm excited about: Demo practice is on Mondays, weapons class has been changed to Tuesdays so Mr. Coleman can teach it, and an Adults-Only class has been added to Thursday!
Exams start next week, but after that I should have a lot of time to train and post some more.

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